
Hi! I'm Peter, an online freelance worker, part-time blogger and foodie wannabe. Since there are already a number of food blogs on the worldwide web, I'll try to mix things up by checking out hole-in-the-wall eating places in and around Cebu.

There may be some rather interesting places within the island of Cebu, and I will try to visit them and tell you more about them, This blog will try to explore these places for you, and give you some interesting tidbits about them. This way you will know more about them even before you visit them.

I do not claim to be a food critic but I do love to eat. And take pictures as well. I pay for my meals and normally do not inform the owners or staff of these places about what I am doing, unless they ask.

I hope you guys will find my blog interesting and give you the idea that there is more that Cebu can offer in terms of eating places.

Happy Eating!

1 comment:

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